Below are some mac shortcut keys that may be helpful to you as you operate your mac.
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(Open Apple + Down) Opens the selected icon.
(Shift + Click) Select the icon and add it to the set of those selected.
(Tab) Highlight the next icon inside the folder, in alphabetical order.
(Shift + Tab) Highlight the previous icon inside the folder, in alphabetical order.
(Left arrow) Used when viewing by icon to select the icon to the left of the one highlighted.
(Right arrow Used when viewing by icon to select icon to the right of the one highlighted.
(Up arrow Used to select the icon above the one currently highlighted.
(Down arrow Used to select the icon below the one currently highlighted.
(Open Apple + ?) Mac help
(Open Apple + E) Eject
(Open Apple + Shift + Up Arrow) Used to direct the input focus to the desktop level.
(Open Apple + M) Minimize window
(Open Apple + N) New finder window
(Open Apple + Shift + N) New folder
(Open Apple + W) Close the current window.
(Open Apple + C) Copy the elected item to the clipboard.
(Open Apple + X) Cut the selected item.
(Open Apple + V) Paste item from the clipboard
(Open Apple + L) Make alias
(Open Apple + R) Show original item
(Open Apple + T) Add to favorites
(Open Apple + O) Open the selected icon.
(Open Apple + F) Display the find dialog box.
(Open Apple + G) Repeat the last find operation.
(Open Apple + Shift + G) Takes a snapshot of the screen and saves it to a PICT file.